Monday, 17 February 2014

Conecting with the community through Storms

A massive tree in a neighbours garden came down this weekend during the storms. It was covering several gardens and garages. We were able to work together with some neighbours to start trimming it back as it was blocking the rear access to properties. It was a brilliant way of meeting and connecting with people in our local community! Although we are all looking forward to the tree surgeon removing the massive remaining trunks!



Saturday, 15 February 2014

Cakes by Bobbi!

Dejunked a Kenwood Mixer to a friend who makes cakes professionally.

She is thrilled and it will get much more use!

I had it dejunked onto me by my grandmother 3 years ago as she didn't use it either!

It always makes me feel great when something has gone to a good and new home.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Joshua Becker's new book Clutterfeee with Kids

Check out Joshua Becker's new book titled Clutter free with Kids.

Clutter free with Kids is a book about owning less and living more. It challenges parents to reconsider the common more is better mentality. It calls us to reevaluate the role consumerism plays in our lives. It invites us to find new life apart from the relentless pursuit of material possessions. And it encourages us to become not just clutter free, but more intentional in life and parenting.

Joshua has a great blog called Becoming Minimalist.

He is a great writer,  really easy and enjoyable to read.

Its available on amazon as a download or can be ordered as a paperback too.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Rediscovered Families Blog, Choosing to connect: Christmas with the Wallington Family

I enjoy reading the blog rediscovered families written by Sharon Harding about presence and awareness for strong family connections.

I recently wrote a piece for it titled: Choosing to connect:Christmas with the Wallington family

Hope it strikes a cord etc!

A Manger Scene in lights at St pauls church, Kingston upon Thames.

Choosing to Connect: Christmas with the Wallington Family - See more at:
Choosing to Connect: Christmas with the Wallington Family - See more at: